Daily Announcements

January 9, 2025

Students who applied for Central Campus classes for next year should be getting a Teams Message from their Counselor over the next few days. Please make sure to check teams and follow up with your Counselor in order to accept or decline spots at Central.

ATTENTION CURRENT LHS STUDENTS: If you are interested in joining this years musical as cast or crew and would like to VOTE on what musical will be performed please fill out the poll (available on both the Lincoln Choir and Lincoln Theatre instagram pages)

Lincoln’s performing arts department is preparing for our annual spring musical. We want as many of those interested to join us in this process and hear your voice! Today or tomorrow THIS WEEK after school at 3:20 in the Lincoln Auditorium students will have a chance to vote on what musical they would like to do. This meeting is open to anyone who would like to be involved in the production, on or off the stage regardless of the experience you have.

In order to have the most voices represented please let us know if Thursday or Friday works best for you! We will announce which day the meeting will be at 2:00 on Wednesday.

If you have a choir or theater class your teachers will ask you in person.

BEFORE VOTING PLEASE CHECK YOUR AVAILABILITY, this meeting will be about 20-30 minutes so we will have time to explain each option, answer any questions you all have about the possible shows, and have time to cast your vote.

We can’t wait to see you there!

– Lincoln Performing Arts”

Its senior night for our wrestlers come show your support at 5pm in the roundhouse.

January 8, 2025

Students who applied for Central Campus classes for next year should be getting a Teams Message from their Counselor over the next few days. Please make sure to check teams and follow up with your Counselor in order to accept or decline spots at Central.

ATTENTION CURRENT LHS STUDENTS: If you are interested in joining this years musical as cast or crew and would like to VOTE on what musical will be performed please fill out the poll (available on both the Lincoln Choir and Lincoln Theatre instagram pages)

Lincoln’s performing arts department is preparing for our annual spring musical. We want as many of those interested to join us in this process and hear your voice! On Thursday or Friday THIS WEEK after school at 3:20 in the Lincoln Auditorium students will have a chance to vote on what musical they would like to do. This meeting is open to anyone who would like to be involved in the production, on or off the stage regardless of the experience you have.

In order to have the most voices represented please let us know if Thursday or Friday works best for you! We will announce which day the meeting will be at 2:00 on Wednesday.

If you have a choir or theater class your teachers will ask you in person.

BEFORE VOTING PLEASE CHECK YOUR AVAILABILITY, this meeting will be about 20-30 minutes so we will have time to explain each option, answer any questions you all have about the possible shows, and have time to cast your vote.

We can’t wait to see you there!

– Lincoln Performing Arts”

December 18, 2024

Seniors, don’t forget, the deadline for Senior photos is January 21st. Pictures submitted after January 21 will not appear in the yearbook! Read the senior Teams post or message Ms. Lily Friedrichsen on Teams for more information.

Do you want to order a yearbook? They are only $55! Order yours today at www.yearbookordercenter.com and use code 3735.

December 17, 2024

Seniors, don’t forget, the deadline for Senior photos is January 21st. Pictures submitted after January 21 will not appear in the yearbook! Read the senior Teams post or message Ms. Lily Friedrichsen on Teams for more information.

Do you want to order a yearbook? They are only $55! Order yours today at www.yearbookordercenter.com and use code 3735.

December 12, 2024

If you have not met with your counselor to finalize your class selection for next year, please make sure to do so by the end of this week. You can stop by the Counseling Center, or send your Counselor a teams message or email. If you don’t meet with your counselor by end of day today,  your classes will be chosen for you.

Seniors, don’t forget, the deadline for Senior photos is January 21st. Pictures submitted after January 21 will not appear in the yearbook! Read the senior Teams post or message Ms. Lily Friedrichsen on Teams for more information.

Do you want to order a yearbook? They are only $55! Order yours today at www.yearbookordercenter.com and use code 3735.

Brother 2 Brother will be meeting today in room 3200 after school. Please remember to bring your permission slips and grade check forms to today’s meeting.

December 11, 2024

If you have not met with your counselor to finalize your class selection for next year, please make sure to do so by the end of this week. You can stop by the Counseling Center, or send your Counselor a teams message or email. If you don’t meet with your counselor by the end of the week, your classes will be chosen for you.

Seniors, don’t forget, the deadline for Senior photos is January 21st. Pictures submitted after January 21 will not appear in the yearbook! Read the senior Teams post or message Ms. Lily Friedrichsen on Teams for more information.

Do you want to order a yearbook? They are only $55! Order yours today at www.yearbookordercenter.com and use code 3735.

Congrats to the boys basketball team for a great win over Fort Dodge.

December 5, 2024

All boys and girls interested in going out for tennis this spring should attend our Wednesday Workouts from 3:45-4:45 in the weight room and the high school tennis clinics at Genesis Athletic Club located on Hickman Rd in Clive from 6:30-8 pm every Sunday night. The Sunday night clinics are FREE if you sign up with Coach Sissel or Coach Adam.

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter. You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for dance workshops at Central Academy!

B2B members this is a reminder that today Brother 2 Brother will meet afterschool in room 3200.

December 2, 2024

All boys and girls interested in going out for tennis this spring should attend our Wednesday Workouts from 3:45-4:45 in the weight room and the high school tennis clinics at Genesis Athletic Club located on Hickman Rd in Clive from 6:30-8 pm every Sunday night. The Sunday night clinics are FREE if you sign up with Coach Sissel or Coach Adam.

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter. You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for dance workshops at Central Academy!

B2B members this is a reminder that today Brother 2 Brother will meet afterschool in room 3200.

November 25, 2024

Lincoln’s GSA will meet today after school in the alumni room.  Any LGBTQ+ or ally students or staff are welcome to attend.

Kona Ice is coming! During the Staff and Student Volleyball game, Kona Ice will be selling their snow cones for $5 bucks each. Make sure you bring cash to get one of these chilly sweet treats!

All boys and girls interested in going out for tennis this spring should attend our Wednesday workouts from 3:45-4:45 in the weight room and the high school tennis clinics at Genesis Athletic Club located on Hickman Rd in Clive from 6:30-8 pm every Sunday night. The Sunday night clinics are normally $300 per player but you can attend for FREE if you sign up with Coach Sissel or Coach Adam. Sissel is in room 2264 or send her a message if you plan to attend so we can add you to our team lists!

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter. You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.  Be sure to include your name and preferred contact method. Deadline for submissions is December 3rd.  See Adam Schmith, Sam Be, Max Roach or Mrs. Sissel if you have questions.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for a dance workshop at Central Academy!

November 25th: Happy Native American Heritage Month! Since 1970, Indigenous People have gathered at noon in Plymouth, Massachusetts to recognize a National Day of Mourning on the same day as the Thanksgiving holiday. Many Native people do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers and instead use the day as a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands and the erasure of Native cultures. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Indigenous ancestors and Native resilience. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection, as well as a protest against the racism and oppression that Indigenous people continue to experience worldwide.

November 22, 2024

All boys and girls interested in going out for tennis this spring should attend our Wednesday workouts from 3:45-4:45 in the weight room and the high school tennis clinics at Genesis Athletic Club located on Hickman Rd in Clive from 6:30-8 pm every Sunday night. The Sunday night clinics are normally $300 per player but you can attend for FREE if you sign up with Coach Sissel or Coach Adam. Sissel is in room 2264 or send her a message if you plan to attend so we can add you to our team lists!

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter. You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.  Be sure to include your name and preferred contact method. Deadline for submissions is December 3rd.  See Adam Schmith, Sam Be, Max Roach or Mrs. Sissel if you have questions.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for a dance workshop at Central Academy!

Happy Native American Heritage Month! Fry bread is eaten by many Indigenous People. The simple, but delicious food is just as it sounds, bread dough fried in oil. Fry bread is thought to have originated 160 years ago after the “Long Walk”, which was the 300-mile journey that thousands of Diné (pronounced DIN-NEH) people endured after being forcefully relocated from their homelands to a reservation in New Mexico. Hundreds died along the way, and many others starved when they arrived. In place of traditional Diné (DIN-NEH) foods such as corn, beans, and squash, the government provided only sparse supplies like flour, salt, sugar, and fat. Through creativity and experimentation, fry bread was born as a means of survival. For many who eat and love Fry Bread it is a symbol of Indigenous resilience.

Good luck to our Unified Bowling team that’s going to state tournament tomorrow.

November 20, 2024

boys and girls interested in going out for tennis this spring should attend our Wednesday workouts from 3:45-4:45 in the weight room and the high school tennis clinics at Genesis Athletic Club located on Hickman Rd in Clive from 6:30-8 pm every Sunday night. The Sunday night clinics are normally $300 per player but you can attend for FREE if you sign up with Coach Sissel or Coach Adam. Sissel is in room 2264 or send her a message if you plan to attend so we can add you to our team lists!

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter. You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.  Be sure to include your name and preferred contact method. Deadline for submissions is December 3rd.  See Adam Schmith, Sam Be, Max Roach or Mrs. Sissel if you have questions.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for a dance workshop at Central Academy!

Happy Native American Heritage Month! Fry bread is eaten by many Indigenous People. The simple, but delicious food is just as it sounds, bread dough fried in oil. Fry bread is thought to have originated 160 years ago after the “Long Walk”, which was the 300-mile journey that thousands of Diné (pronounced DIN-NEH) people endured after being forcefully relocated from their homelands to a reservation in New Mexico. Hundreds died along the way, and many others starved when they arrived. In place of traditional Diné (DIN-NEH) foods such as corn, beans, and squash, the government provided only sparse supplies like flour, salt, sugar, and fat. Through creativity and experimentation, fry bread was born as a means of survival. For many who eat and love Fry Bread it is a symbol of Indigenous resilience.

November 18, 2024

Happy Native American Heritage Month! Long before the European influence in the Americas, many Indigenous societies recognized various expressions of gender. A modern term used to describe these various roles is “Two-Spirit”. For many Indigenous cultures, Two Spirit people are blessed by their Creator to see life through the eyes of more than one gender. Two-spirit identity was widely believed to be the result of supernatural intervention in the form of visions or dreams and sanctioned by tribal mythology. In many tribes, two spirit people filled special religious roles as healers, shamans, and ceremonial leaders.

Railsplitters, it is time for our Staff and Student Volleyball tournament. The Staff have already begun forming their teams. Do you think you have what it take to take the whole tournament? Put together your team of six to eight players and sign up using the QR codes on any of the posters hung up around the building or see a Lincoln Leaders.

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter (formally known as The Rails Review). You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.  Be sure to include your name and preferred contact method. Deadline for submissions is December 3rd.  See Mrs. Sissel or Mr. Oestreich if you have questions.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for a dance workshop at Central Academy.

November 15, 2024

Happy Native American Heritage Month! Three easy ways to honor and celebrate Indigenous People (this month and every day) include 1) educating yourself on Indigenous history and current calls to action 2) engaging with Indigenous storytelling by watching native TV and movies, listening to podcasts or reading books by Indigenous authors 3) support Indigenous  groups and businesses by following Indigenous social media accounts and buying from Native businesses.

Railsplitters, it is time for our Staff and Student Volleyball tournament. The Staff have already begun forming their teams. Do you think you have what it take to take the whole tournament? Put together your team of six to eight players and sign up using the QR codes on any of the posters hung up around the building or see a Lincoln Leaders.

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter (formally known as The Rails Review). You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.  Be sure to include your name and preferred contact method. Deadline for submissions is December 3rd.  See Mrs. Sissel or Mr. Oestreich if you have questions.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for a dance workshop at Central Academy.

There will be a Girls Golf Meeting Friday after school at 3:20 in Coach Vanderflute’s Room in the Old Library #2260B.  Any girl that is interested in learning more about the team and some upcoming opportunities. Golf experience is not necessary, and golf clubs can be provided during the season..  The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.

November 13, 2024

Railsplitters, it is time for our Staff and Student Volleyball tournament. The Staff have already begun forming their teams. Do you think you have what it take to take the whole tournament? Put together your team of six to eight players and sign up using the QR codes on any of the posters hung up around the building or see a Lincoln Leaders.

Wow, have you seen the brand new facility across the street? Well, it’d be a lot cooler with you training on it this spring! There will be a boys track meeting after school on Thursday in the Lincoln auditorium. We will discuss offseason training and important dates for the upcoming season. Stop by if you are interested in joining the “city champs” on the track this year! Bring a friend, especially if they’re fast!

The LHS Ink Splitters are looking for students to submit their original poetry, creative writing, visual artwork, photography and now music to be published in our third volume of Lincoln’s Literary Magazine: The Ink Splitter (formally known as The Rails Review). You can submit your work to inksplittersubmissions@gmail.com.  Be sure to include your name and preferred contact method. Deadline for submissions is December 3rd.  See Mrs. Sissel or Mr. Oestreich if you have questions.

Do you love to dance? Do you wish you could learn more about dance? See Mrs. Sissel in the back of the library or your counselor to sign up for a dance workshop at Central Academy.

Happy Native American Heritage Month!  Iowa is home to the Meskwaki Nation. This community is of Algonquian (pronounced al-gone-kwin) origin from the Eastern Woodland Culture areas. After fighting in the Fox Wars and being relocated multiple times, the Meskwaki formally purchased land in Tama County, Iowa, which gave them formal federal identity as the “Sac & Fox of the Mississippi in Iowa.” Every August, the Meskwaki Nation holds their annual Powwow featuring dancing, singing, food, art, remembering, and much more. All are welcome to attend and celebrate the Meskwaki community.

There will be a Girls Golf Meeting Friday after school at 3:20 in Coach Vanderflute’s Room in the Old Library #2260B.  Any girl that is interested in learning more about the team and some upcoming opportunities. Golf experience is not necessary, and golf clubs can be provided during the season..  The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.

November 8, 2024

Happy Native American Heritage Month!  “Haudenosaunee(pronounced: hoe-dee-no-SHOW-nee) means “people who build a house.” This name refers to the alliance among six Native American nations who joined together after years of conflicts. After creating their confederacy, they created a government system called the Great Law of Peace. When the US founders created the Constitution and our current government they were heavily influenced by aspects of the Great Law of Peace and mimicked many of the Indigenous practices.

The Academic Decathlon team will meet in room 3270 after school. Newcomers are welcome! (Repeat once)

Hate has no home at Lincoln High School!  Today during lunch the GSA is asking students and staff to sign a banner to stand up against homophobia and transphobia. Please stop by the table during both lunches and show your support for the LGBTQ+ community and get a sticker.

Come see Lincoln’s Theatre Arts program present “Who’s Crazy now?” Show times are 7 pm Tonight and tomorrow night. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students.



November 1, 2024

November is Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month. This month is a time to celebrate the cultures, accomplishments, and contributions of Native American and Indigenous nations. The best way to celebrate this month is by listening to and learning from Indigenous and native voices from across the Americas. At Lincoln, you can also sign up to take a semester-long course called Indigenous Peoples’ History to learn more.

Brother 2 Brother members, This is a reminder that if you haven’t already picked up a permission slip for Mondays trip to Iowa State, please do that to do. Permission slips can be picked up on the main office.

October 28, 2024

Reminder students that the Youth Straw Poll closes today at 3:15. The link/survey has been sent to you via infinite campus students.

LATINOS IN ACTION invite you to celebrate Dia de los Muertos . This Friday during both lunch at the Counseling Center.  Enjoy the cookies and learn about the wonderful traditions of Mexico.

All girls interested in going out for the tennis team should attend a meeting TODAY after school in Ms. Spry’s room #2267.  You can learn about the team, meet the coaches, find out about upcoming clinics and open gyms, and get registered for the spring season! If you have any questions or can’t make it but still want to play, reach out to Coach Sissel in room 2264.

October 21, 2024

Congratulation to the Railsplitter  Marching Band on 2 outstanding performances on Saturday.

On Saturday afternoon they received a Division One  Superior rating at the Iowa State Marching Band Contest.

On Saturday night the band had their best performance of the year at the Waukee Marching Invitational and placed 6th in class 4A.

Congratulations to the marching band on an outstanding contest season!!!

Come join in on all the Southside fun on Friday, October 25th and Saturday, October 26th! Friday night the Lincoln Leaders are presenting their second annual Trunk or Treat. After all your littles have filled up on sweets, head into the building for Dream to Teach Movie Night. This club of future teachers are presenting Disney’s Coco. Then on Saturday morning, join the Varsity Cross Country team for their first Zombie 5K Run. Dress as the undead and crawl, limp, or run your way around Gray’s Lake. Finally, Saturday afternoon, join Lincoln Theatre Arts as they present “A Haunting at Brookfield Manor” Interactive Murder Mystery. Can YOU help solve the murder?!?

All events are free to participate. Concessions will be available for purchase on Friday night.

Congratulations to our speech and debate team that worked hard this weekend at Roosevelt:
Junior Ashlynn Potters: Making it to Finals in Congressional Debate
Senior Angela Escobedo-Alvarado: Placing 3rd Overall in Spontaneous Speaking and earning a UK Tournament of Champions Bid!

October 17, 2024

We want to give big congratulations to Lincoln’s Unified athletes and their partners for their performance at the regional bowling meet yesterday!  5 of our Unified teams walked away with 1st place medals and 2 teams won 2nd place medals in their divisions.

October 14, 2024

Students, do you need help in your current core classes? Tutoring will be available after school from 3:30-4:30, every Monday through Thursday the rest of this school year, in the cafeteria. Math and Science teachers will be present on Mondays & Wednesdays. Social Studies and English teachers will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No sign-up is necessary!

October 4, 2024

Academic Decathlon will meet after school in Ms. Laugk’s room. Room 3270. Any one interested may attend!

October 3, 2024

Today, Project 7 Bible Study Club will be meeting in room number 3220 after school”

Do you want to improve your mental health?

Do you feel alone, stressed or overwhelmed?

Are looking for a fun and supportive group with other students you can talk to.

Come join us during lunch and/or after school today in room 2260D for the first meeting of Lincoln’s new Wellness Club!

Talk to people and get resources to be your best self! Talk to Miss Downes, Mrs. Gilbertson or Mrs. Olson for details 

October 2, 2024

 Project 7 Bible Study Club will be meeting in room number 3220 after school tomorrow.

Do you want to improve your mental health?

Do you feel alone, stressed or overwhelmed?

Are looking for a fun and supportive group with other students you can talk to.

Come join us during lunch and/or after school tomorrow in room 2260D for the first meeting of Lincoln’s new Wellness Club!

Talk to people and get resources to be your best self! Talk to Miss Downes, Mrs. Gilbertson or Mrs. Olson for details 


September 30, 2024

Railsplitters, please remember that no food or drinks should be taken from the Cafeteria or Commons. If you choose to leave campus for lunch, please use your time wisely and finish all food and drinks before returning to campus. Students may have an individual water bottle or when necessary, Grab and Go School Breakfast, but other than that, no other food or drink should be taken to classrooms.

GSA will meet today after school in the alumni room. All LGBTQ+ and ally students and staff are welcome.

September 24, 2024

Speech and Debate info meeting room 3350 at 3:30 tomorrow.

The Academic Decathlon Team will meet in Ms. Laugk’s room 3270 today  after school. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Railsplitters, please remember that no food or drinks should be taken from the Cafeteria or Commons. If you choose to leave campus for lunch, please use your time wisely and finish all food and drinks before returning to campus. Students may have an individual water bottle or when necessary, Grab and Go School Breakfast, but other than that, no other food or drink should be taken to classrooms.

Are you interested in joining Lincoln High School’s wrestling team? If so, there will be a quick meeting in the commons today after school. If you have questions or can’t make it, please swing by Coach Koch’s room in 2060.”

September 18, 2024

Wanna get involved with the upcoming Lincoln Theatre Art’s production of “Who’s Crazy Now?” a story about teachers that have finally lost their marbles and landed in an insane asylum? Then come audition for the show on today and tomorrow of next week (we know it’s a busy week), to come get involved! If you’re never auditioned before, don’t worry, come to our Pre-Audition meeting tonight after Drama Club in the Drama Room (Room 3010) and we’ll answer all your questions! Not interested in performing, don’t worry, we need technical support too! If you’re interested in tech, go see Ms. Anton in Room 3160!

Come watch the powder puff game at cownie tonight at 6pm.

 Reminder that tomorrow is the last day to buy your homecoming ticket. Tickets are not sold at the door!

September 11, 2024

Hey Railsplitters! It is almost Homecoming! That means it is time to put together your kickball teams. Are you ready for our annual Kickball Game? We are only taking the first 9 teams to sign up this year! Make sure to sign up right away. Shirts are $10 dollars for EACH TEAM MEMBER. Shirts must be paid with cash or checks made out to Lincoln High School. Teams must have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 players. If you have any questions, please Teams message Ms. Snyder or come see her in room 3200 before or after school. Sign up by September 13th!

Do you have Lincoln Spirit and Southside Pride or can think of a student that does? Nominations for Homecoming Class Representatives have begun for EVERY grade! Check put your classes teams page for more information.

Lights, Camera, Action! The 2024 Homecoming Dance is almost here! Tickets will go on sale Monday, September 16th in the Commons before and after school and during both lunches. Tickets are $15 each. Guest Forms are available in Student Services and the Main Office. Attendance rules apply, you MUST have less than 20 absences AND tardies total. Make sure you are in class and on time because attendance matters!

Check out the Interfaith Club and Debate Team in the Commons during both lunches today to get more information on how to join one or both of these Lincoln Activities and Clubs.

Every Day Matters at Lincoln High School.

Would you like to earn the chance to win a free t-shirt from Ray-Gun?

How about a Coffee Cat Cafe or 5 Monkeys Gift Card?

Maybe you want a chance to win a buy one get one free theatre ticket from Copper Creek?

These prizes and many more will be given away beginning next week!

How can I be entered to win these fabulous prizes?

Simply by going to class…

If your attendance is good right now, keep it up! you will be entered into the drawing!

Have you had a bumpy start to the school year as far as attendance goes? That’s ok! You can also earn a chance to win by improving your attendance this week!

Every Day Matters at Lincoln High School!

“Lincoln Homecoming shirts are for sale through the Lincoln Railettes. Orders for homecoming shirts are due by September 12th at midnight. The link to order shirts is located on the Lincoln Railettes Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as through the QR code on the flyers posted in the high school commons. Go Rails!”

Lincoln High School welcomes all interested students to join the first of its kind, PickleBall Club!  Next Thursday, September 12th we’ll have an informational PickleParty, and you’ll learn about the game of PickleBall, PickleArt possibilities, and we’ll even have Pickles to eat!  PicklePlay begins Tuesday, September 17th.  Please direct any questions to Mr. Kalina.  Thanks!

Have you wanted to discuss your faith with others fellow students at Lincoln High School? You’re invited to join Interfaith Club, a club that allows you to speak on your faith and learn about other students faith traditions. Are you interested learning more about the Bible and who God is? Project 7 is a great fit for you, a club that focuses on how, what, and who God is in students everyday life both inside and outside of school. Both clubs will have an informational meeting on today, September 10th.

There will be an informational meeting for brother 2 brother after school Tomorrow Thursday September 12th in the counseling center. We will start at 3:20,so be on time. All who are interested are welcomed to attend.


September 10, 2024

Hey Railsplitters! It is almost Homecoming! That means it is time to put together your kickball teams. Are you ready for our annual Kickball Game? We are only taking the first 9 teams to sign up this year! Make sure to sign up right away. Shirts are $10 dollars for EACH TEAM MEMBER. Shirts must be paid with cash or checks made out to Lincoln High School. Teams must have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 players. If you have any questions, please Teams message Ms. Snyder or come see her in room 3200 before or after school. Sign up by September 13th!

Do you have Lincoln Spirit and Southside Pride or can think of a student that does? Nominations for Homecoming Class Representatives have begun for EVERY grade! Check put your classes teams page for more information.

Good morning, Railsplitters!

Every Day Matters at Lincoln High School.

Would you like to earn the chance to win a free t-shirt from Ray-Gun?

How about a Coffee Cat Cafe or 5 Monkeys Gift Card?

Maybe you want a chance to win a buy one get one free theatre ticket from Copper Creek?

These prizes and many more will be given away beginning next week!

How can I be entered to win these fabulous prizes?

Simply by going to class…

If your attendance is good right now, keep it up! you will be entered into the drawing!

Have you had a bumpy start to the school year as far as attendance goes? That’s ok! You can also earn a chance to win by improving your attendance this week!

Every Day Matters at Lincoln High School!

“Lincoln Homecoming shirts are for sale through the Lincoln Railettes. Orders for homecoming shirts are due by September 12th at midnight. The link to order shirts is located on the Lincoln Railettes Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as through the QR code on the flyers posted in the high school commons. Go Rails!”

Lincoln High School welcomes all interested students to join the first of its kind, PickleBall Club!  Next Thursday, September 12th we’ll have an informational PickleParty, and you’ll learn about the game of PickleBall, PickleArt possibilities, and we’ll even have Pickles to eat!  PicklePlay begins Tuesday, September 17th.  Please direct any questions to Mr. Kalina.  Thanks!

Have you wanted to discuss your faith with others fellow students at Lincoln High School? You’re invited to join Interfaith Club, a club that allows you to speak on your faith and learn about other students faith traditions. Are you interested learning more about the Bible and who God is? Project 7 is a great fit for you, a club that focuses on how, what, and who God is in students everyday life both inside and outside of school. Both clubs will have an informational meeting on today, September 10th.


September 9, 2024

GSA is cancelled today due to an unexpected conflict. We will meet next Monday. Thank you for understanding.

Attention Lincoln High School Science Bound Our first meeting of the year is today! We will be in room 2120! Please come at 3:30, and we will kick off the year together!

“Lincoln Homecoming shirts are for sale through the Lincoln Railettes. Orders for homecoming shirts are due by September 12th at midnight. The link to order shirts is located on the Lincoln Railettes Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as through the QR code on the flyers posted in the high school commons. Go Rails!”

Lincoln High School welcomes all interested students to join the first of its kind, PickleBall Club!  Next Thursday, September 12th we’ll have an informational PickleParty, and you’ll learn about the game of PickleBall, PickleArt possibilities, and we’ll even have Pickles to eat!  PicklePlay begins Tuesday, September 17th.  Please direct any questions to Mr. Kalina.  Thanks!

Have you wanted to discuss your faith with others fellow students at Lincoln High School? You’re invited to join Interfaith Club, a club that allows you to speak on your faith and learn about other students faith traditions. Are you interested learning more about the Bible and who God is? Project 7 is a great fit for you, a club that focuses on how, what, and who God is in students everyday life both inside and outside of school. Both clubs will have an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 10th.

There is a mens volleyball club meeting from 3:15-3:45 after school today in room 3070.


September 6, 2024

“Lincoln Homecoming shirts are for sale through the Lincoln Railettes. Orders for homecoming shirts are due by September 12th at midnight. The link to order shirts is located on the Lincoln Railettes Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as through the QR code on the flyers posted in the high school commons. Go Rails!”

Lincoln High School welcomes all interested students to join the first of its kind, PickleBall Club!  Next Thursday, September 12th we’ll have an informational PickleParty, and you’ll learn about the game of PickleBall, PickleArt possibilities, and we’ll even have Pickles to eat!  PickleBall Play begins Tuesday, September 17th.  Please direct any questions to Mr. Kalina.  Thanks!

Have you wanted to discuss your faith with others fellow students at Lincoln High School? You’re invited to join Interfaith Club, a club that allows you to speak on your faith and learn about other students faith traditions. Are you interested learning more about the Bible and who God is? Project 7 is a great fit for you, a club that focuses on how, what, and who God is in students everyday life both inside and outside of school. Both clubs will have an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 10th.