Lincoln Students Shine at State Solo/Ensemble Contest
Congratulations to Lincoln Choir students for their excellent performances at State Solo/Ensemble contest at Lincoln High School on April 18, 2015. The Lincoln Vocal Music department had 14 Division I (Superior); 14 Division II (Excellent), and 4 Division III (Good) ratings. The following students had a Division I rating on their vocal solos: Athena Whiteside, Bryan Richter, Danielle Funaro, Lindsay Richter, and Dakota Hall. “Best of Center” status was awarded to the Women’s ensemble of Athena Whiteside, Danielle Funaro, Maddy Langlitz, Julie Cosner, Jackie Zecena, and Lindsay Richter. A perfect score was given to the Mixed Double Quartet of Danielle Funaro, Bryce Johnson, Maddy Langlitz, Zach Rauch, Joshua Smith, Guen Stone, Athena Whiteside, and Bryan Richter. Chamber Choir and Madrigal Choir both received Division I ratings.
Congratulations and thanks to all the students who performed and worked at this contest.