AP Test Registration begins January 17
Attention students taking an AP course, AP exam registration will begin on January 17th. You may pick up an exam form from one of your AP teachers or in the main office. You only need to fill out one form to register for all AP exams you intend to take, including classes you take at Central.
If you are an AVID student, you will register for your exams during your AVID elective class.
Each AP exam is $93.00. Checks may be made payable to Lincoln High School and all AP exams must be paid for in full prior to April 30th, with a 15.00 deposit due at the time of registration. You may set up a payment plan in the main office as needed and you may also pay online with a credit card.
Students who qualify for free or reduced price lunches will be able to take their AP exams for free through a grant from the United Way. If you are unsure if you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, you can apply online or by paper form. Please see Mrs. O’Donnell in room 3030 or your AP teacher for more information on this process. All AP exam registration forms are due in the main office by Monday, March 27th at 3:00. Any forms received after the deadline will incur a 55.00/order late fee.